How Truss Roofing Saves You Time and Money

Many people who are searching for a “truss company near me” online have two major concerns:  saving time and saving money.  Whether they are looking for Roof or Floor Trusses for San Diego construction, most people simply want the best option at the lowest price.  For saving time and money, there is little that surpasses the choice of using truss construction, but trusses have other benefits for builders and homeowners as well.

Trusses not only save time and money, but they also provide much stronger construction than traditional stick-built rafters or floor joists.  By choosing trusses, builders can offer their clients not only a cost savings but an increase in durability and security.

How Do Roof Trusses Save Time and Money?

Truss construction has two great benefits for builders and their clients:  time savings and cost savings.  Here is why:

        Trusses save time.  One of the biggest benefits of truss construction is time savings.  Many truss roofing projects can be assembled in a single day; the same project, building rafters, might take as much as a week.  Not only do trusses save actual construction time, they also save time in buying, hauling, storing and assembling materials.  Because trusses are delivered on demand, there is no hold up in construction while securing materials or building rafters.  Ultimately, truss construction can save weeks over the life of a project.

        Trusses save construction costs.  Because stick-built rafters take so long to make, much of the cost of rafter roofing is tied up in labor.  Not only do rafters take longer than trusses to build, but they also require highly skilled crafts people who understand the process of construction and who can calculate proper angles, weight loads, and other factors.  Trusses, on the other hand, are built off site and require much less skill or expertise to install.  With only a few workers, a builder can quickly install a truss roof, often saving the client thousands of dollars in costs.  The fact that trusses can be delivered on the job site rather than having to buy and store materials also helps keep their cost low.

Saving time and money is always important, but safety is also key when building a home or business. Truss roofing has better strength and withstands greater stress from shear, torsion and other factors than rafters.  Since truss roofing is strong and costs less overall than rafter building, why would anyone choose anything else?

There are many Roof Trusses Manufacturers in San Diego but Stone Truss stands out from the rest.  They have been in business for years and have plenty of satisfied customers.  Stone Truss is owned and operated by people in the San Diego area, which means that they have a connection to the community that cannot be duplicated with a remote national chain.  If you are interested in learning more about how truss products can shorten your building time, help you save on costs and ultimately deliver a better product to your clients, contact Stone Truss today!


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